How to Athena Swan (Part 1: Self-assessment team and discovery)

How to Athena Swan (Part 1: Self-assessment team and discovery)

What data do you need to apply for an Athena Swan Award? And whose job is it to collect and analyse that data? We ask Lucie Joschko from Monash University.

Show notes

If you haven’t been directly involved in Athena Swan at your organisation, you might be wondering: what does it actually take to get an Athena Swan Award? How is joining SAGE any different from taking part in other gender equity programs?

To answer these questions, we speak to returning guest Dr Lucie Joschko, Manager, Staff Equity and Diversity at Monash University.

The Think Difference podcast is produced by Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE).


Mei Leow

Mei Leow

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Dr Lucie Joschko

Dr Lucie Joschko

Dr Lucie Joschko is the Manager, Staff Equity and Diversity at Monash University.

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